Healing and Faith: Is There a Connection? I have always pondered when praying for people’s healing why some get healed, but others do not see the immediate manifestation of healing.  Many want to see the immediate healing manifestation when they pray for someone.  I know I have been and stillContinue Reading

It is more than just salvation. As we near the Easter season, some deem the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to only be about salvation and that through His blood that was shed, we were given eternal life. This is true, but there is so much more behind the blood thatContinue Reading

I enjoy sitting back pondering scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring the revelation. I was reading Mark 6:53-56, and the Lord showed me some things that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind. On the first trip to Gennesaret, Jesus cast a legion of demonsContinue Reading